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Purchase & Financing Information
Purchase Price of Home:
Percentage Down: %
Length of Mortgage: years
Annual Interest Rate: %
Show me the calculations and amortization

Copyright (c) 2002 David Tufts, Chris Karakas modification by Kit CreightonGet this Free Calculator

This mortgage calculator can be used to figure out monthly payments of a home mortgage loan, based on the
home's sale price, the term of the loan desired, buyer's down payment percentage, and the loan's interest
rate. This calculator factors in PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) for loans where less than 20% is put as
a down payment. Also taken into consideration are the town property taxes, and their effect on the total
monthly mortgage payment.

The calculations are visualized with the aid of two diagrams at the bottom of this page, the first one
displaying the remaining balance, the second showing the interplay of monthly paid interest vs. monthly
paid principal, both on a month/money coordinate system.