&txtVarLoaded= If Prospects looked for you on-line... What do they find? Based on the NAR 2007 survey on Agent Performance and Satisfaction Your presence on the Internet is affecting your Income and Lifestyle! * 84 percent of home buyers use the Internet to locate their next home. * 29 percent found their home on the Internet * 82 percent of the Internet surfers use a RealtorŪ to purchase their home Pat V. Combs (NAR 2007 President) says, "... people most commonly choose an agent based on word-of-mouth recommendations." ... and "are looking for a real estate agent they can trust and who is knowledgeable about local market conditions". If most new buyer relationships are initiated by word of mouth... And 82 percent of the Internet surfers use a RealtorŪ to purchase their home... Don't you think... These buyers check out their prospective agents online? What does your web site say about you, how do you compare to your competition?