Linux Website Hosting | CentOS and Windows Hosting Platforms | Small Business Website Hosting

Linux Servers providing tiered hosting platform

Professionally Staffed

The staff at our Server Farm(s) and our office location here in Delaware are trained and seasoned professionals. We are not part-timers, night time or weekend warriors.

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Website hosting, design and SEO articles

Website Hosting Support Staff is trained and professional

Layered Support

Layered Support, Layering our support we are able to reduce the TOC we all share. Our servers are located in a temperature and humidity controlled secure Server Farm where on site technicians monitor every aspect of the server's performance, i.e. allowable heat ranges, hard drive performance, bandwidth connectivity to the Internet...

You also have our off site staff to help with solutions to problems, setting up special server requirements, working the specific needs of your website and the services your website employees. Having access to your own cPanel (Control Panel) you can manage Email accounts, Sub Domains, Parked Domains, Password protecting files or directories and many other operations of your site including statistical reports.

Please tell me more about your support, click here.

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Resource Scalability

You only pay for what you use and you have the professional staff backing your Internet Based Services. As your needs increase or change, just modify what you need or use; paying for only what you use.

  • eMail Hosting
  • Blog Website Hosting
  • Home Business Website Hosting
  • Small Business Website Hosting
  • Corporate Website Hosting
  • Colocation Hosting Services
  • Cloud Services - Info
  • Off Site / Off Load-IT - Info
  • Managed Backup Services - Info

Please tell me more, click here.

"Scale your operations and only pay for what you use, what you need... Lower your T.O.C."
Free website stats available to every website hosted account

Free Website Software / Website Traffic Stats

    Free software with every hosting account:
  • Blogs
  • Bulletin Boards
  • CMS (Content Management Systems)
  • Online Chat
  • Visitor Counters
  • Clock
  • Countdown Display
  • Photo Gallery
  • Guest Books
  • Support Ticket System
  • Awstats - Website Traffic & Stats Reporting

Have your own software or want to install/run software you already have? No problem.

Have Questions? Contact us here.

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Small Business Website Hosting

    It All Starts at Less Than $.06 a Day
  • Linux Webstie Hosting Platform
  • CentOS Website Hosting Platform
  • Windows Website Hosting Platform
  • Just eMail Services / Hosting $1.67 a Month
  • Simple Website Hosting / $4.95 Monthly
  • Small Business Hosting / $14.95 - $29.95 Monthly

  • 10 to Unlimited Number of eMail Accounts
  • IMAP/POP3 eMail Server(s)
  • Web Based Email Access
  • Spam and eMail Filtering
  • Firewall
  • Daily/Weekly/Monthly Backups
  • Control Panel Access
  • Domain Name Parking
  • Sub Domains
  • Addon Domains

  • Additional Disk Space/Bandwidth
  • Dedicated IP Address
  • SSH/Shell Access

Let us know about your hosting needs.

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Website Manament Services

Many website owners, just don't have enough time, knowledge or expierence to keep their small business website up-to-date. If you have ever experienced your site being unavailable, the server crashing or trying to keep your scripts and content current, you know the how much time, money and involvement is required on a daily basis.

Our managed services start at less than $1.20 a day. We will be the least expensive employee(s) you will ever work with and in one way or another our support staff are always working 24/7/365.

Find out more about our Website Managed Services!