WebbIT® Terms of Use

All Web site materials, including, but not limited to, its design, text, graphics, screenshots, media, files, textual content and the selection and arrangement thereof are © Copyright 2008 WebbIT and RealTimeEstate.com, parent company. All Rights Reserved.

WebbIT® Privacy Policy

The submission of any information is only related to your name and email address for purposes of a Double Optin Newsletter or a request on your part for additional information. Only you can Opt-In to our Newsletter. We do not sell, lend, rent provide access to any information of subscribers.

Our Newsletter(s) system is managed by aWebber Information such as your name and e-mail address are simply used by aWebber for contact purposes when you request a subscription to our Newsletter. If you submit a request for information we will utilize the information you provide to follow through with your specific request.